My “Escaped Convict(ion)” Shirt PreSale is almost over but I need your help to spread the word before it is! I’ve seen the same colorful gore pouring out of this neck for years and I want to see something new! What would escape from this neck if YOU designed it? download the original drawing below, then use that to make cool neck stuff leak out, and post it on INSTAGRAM! Submissions can be digital, or traditional. Make sure to tag me @alexpardeeand #EscapedConvictionwhen you share it publicly so I can see it. I’ll pick my 3 favorites on Monday May 7th and DM the winners. First Prize is $100 Gift Cardto alexpardee.com. Second & Third Prize is a $50 Gift Cardto alexpardee.com. Make sense? Cool now go get slittin necks! (Note: my “favorites” wont necessarily be the best technical drawings. I like things that make me smile!). Have fun!
