For the last few months, I have been alone in my studio, scribbling, playing dress up in front of a broken mirror, and slowly frankesteining together some new tiny friends in hopes that I could have someone other than myself laugh at my tasteless jokes and (great) puns. Almost immediately after injecting my new friends with enamel blood, these enamel pins took on a life of their own and quickly started harassing each other and making up THEIR OWN dumb jokes that I have been documenting in a new comic strip called “THE PINFOLK” (you can read some of the comics here). Well, after observing these unique little weirdos I learned a lot about their personalities, but I also discovered that there’s quite a hefty dose of magic living inside each one of these breathing totems.
Sure, on the surface, throughout their frivolous adventures, you can tell that Paul is extremely timid, gentle and forgiving, and Willie is confident and charismatic, while Randolf is genuinely just a dick. But you see, there’s a reason that these PinFolk’s personalities are so lopsided. Rumor has it that if you WEAR any of the Pinfolk pins, you will inherit a little of that specific Pinfolk’s personality. For example, how often have you subconsciously stopped yourself from telling your co-worker that no one cares about his scalped tickets to Hamilton? Well, pin Randolf to your pocket protector, absorb some of his unbridled ferocity and watch, or rather, hear what comes out of your mouth next time your coworker brags….
Anyway, I am beyond excited to announce that you can finally get your hands on your own enamel PINFOLK in just a few days! On JUNE 5th, at 9PM EST exclusively HERE on ALEXPARDEE.COM, I will be releasing the first edition of SERIES ONE of the Pinfolk, including PAUL, RANDOLF, WILLIE, STEVE and PET CAKE! This is just the beginning.
Here’s all of the info on how to buy your new best friends:
On June 5th, at 9PM EST all 5 SERIES 1 pins will be available either separately OR in a full set of all 5 for a discount. This is the FIRST EDITION release, with only 200 of each pin available. These pins WILL be available again in the future if they sell out, but all future releases will be marked with a “Second Edition” marking. These are, for what it’s worth, the very first PINFOLK in an ongoing growing universe of new characters.
“PAUL” First Edition Pinfolk, Series 1
Soft Enamel Pin
2” Tall
Black metal plating
2 Rubber Clutches
Exclusive Backing Card
$12 each
“RANDOLF” First Edition Pinfolk, Series 1
Soft Enamel Pin
2” Tall
Black Metal Plating
2 Rubber Clutches
Exclusive Backing Card
$12 each
“WILLIE BOOMER” First Edition Pinfolk, Series 1
Soft Enamel Pin
1.25” Tall
Black Metal Plating
1 Metal Clutch
Exclusive Backing Card
$12 Each
“STEVE” First Edition Pinfolk, Series 1
Soft Enamel Pin
1.5” Wide
Black Metal Plating
2 Rubber Clutches
Exclusive Backing Card
$12 Each
Soft Enamel Pin
1.25” Tall
Black Metal Plating
1 Rubber Clutch
Exclusive Backing Card
$12 Each
FULL SET OF ALL 5 PINFOLK (only 100 sets available)
Available JUNE 5th, 9PM EST Exclusively on ALEXPARDEE.COM